External Whistleblowing Policy and Reporting (Suspected) Fraud Cases Procedure

The Interreg Meuse-Rhine (NL-BE-DE) Programme is committed to protecting EU and public funds while upholding high legal, ethical, and moral standards. It adheres to the principles of integrity, objectivity, and honesty.

With a zero-tolerance policy towards fraud and corruption, the Programme aims to demonstrate its strong opposition to fraud issues in all aspects of its operations. All individuals involved in the Programme must ensure the full legality of grant funds spent under the Programme. The Programme places a strong emphasis on preventing the illegal acquisition or misuse of these financial resources.

The funds allocated via the Programme must indeed be managed in a transparent, efficient, and compliant manner with the EU legal framework. To ensure the integrity of these funds, a proportionate anti-fraud policy is essential and required following Article 74(1)c) and Annex 11 of the Regulation (EU) Nr. 2021/1060 (CPR).

In the framework of that policy, one of the major tools to detect and deter fraud cases is to set clear procedures for the reporting of (suspected) fraud cases. The Programme has therefore established a specific procedure for external whistleblowing.

Submit your concern

Anyone who detects suspected or established fraud at any stage of the project lifecycle is encouraged to report the case through the specific template that can be found hereinafter and downloaded on this page. Any (suspected) cases of fraud thus have to be reported when reasonable grounds exist to believe that actions have occurred.

Reports should include clear and factual information about the suspected activity, the individuals or entities involved, and any available supporting evidence.

This policy is designed to align with Directive (EU) 2019/1937 on the protection of persons who report breaches of Union law, ensuring that whistleblowers are protected and their concerns are addressed in a timely and lawful manner. The policy aims to uphold transparency, integrity, and compliance with EU legal and ethical standards, fostering a culture of accountability in the framework of the Programme implementation.

The external report form for suspected or established cases of fraud has to be sent to the following email address: interregmr.fraud@prvlimburg.nl

The Programme commits to investigating all reports of suspected fraud promptly, impartially, and confidentially. The investigations leading to potential correction of fraud or prosecution are detailed in the Programme anti-fraud policy also available on the Programme website.


Download form here and send to interregmr.fraud@prvlimburg.nl.