Meet our team of international professionals.
We are happy to assist you with various aspects of your project - from application to implementation. In our team, we distinguish between the management, the Regional Antennas, and the project managers, as well as the finance, administrative, IT, and communication staff.
- The Management is developing the programme's overall execution, strategy, planning, budgeting, committee management, and regulations.
- Contact the Regional Antennas and regional contact points for help with project applications.
- The Project Managers help you with all things concerning project implementation and advise Lead Partners on content-related matters.
- The Finance Officer's responsibilities cover all financial aspects related to the projects, as well as the programme in general.
- The IT Officer is covering IT-related questions, in particular concerning JEMS.
- The Management Assistant is responsible for the administrative side of the programme.
- The Communication Officer promotes the programme, shares good practices, and advises partners on communication.

Senior Programme Manager (project implementation tasks) / Deputy Coordinator
Paul Heuts

Regional Antennas Liège
Axel Noël, Cristina Jors
axel.noel@liege-interregmeuserhin.eu, cristina.jors@liege-interregmeuserhin.eu

Regional Antennas Region Aachen/ North Rhine-Westphalia
Jan Schliewert, Thilo Gärtner
schliewert@regionaachen.de, gaertner@regionaachen.de

Interim Communication Officer (maternity leave cover)
Iris van Steenkiste

Whistleblowing and Anti-fraud
The Interreg Meuse-Rhine (NL-BE-DE) Programme is committed to protecting EU and public funds while upholding high legal, ethical, and moral standards. If you suspect fraud, please contact us on interregmr.fraud@prvlimburg.nl using the following form. Read up on our full anti-fraud and whistleblowing reporting procedure here.