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Small Project Fund - People to People
While Interreg Meuse Rhine (NL-BE-DE) supports mostly projects with bigger budgets, we also recognize the value of smaller cross-border initiatives. To support these, the programme is providing EU-funding to the EGTC Euregio Meuse-Rhine, which has set up and is managing the Small Project Fund (SPF).
The Small Project Fund supports initiatives aimed at cooperation between people and organisations in the border triangle of the Netherlands, Belgium and Germany. The goal is to remove cross-border obstacles and bring citizens in the border region closer together.
There are different funding possibilities for different project types. Both citizen-oriented “meeting/exchange” projects (Education Mobility) and projects that focus on the involvement/participation of people and civil society are supported (Micro projects and Small projects).
The following themes are supported by the fund:
- Culture, sports & tourism,
- Education & training,
- Communication,
- Nature, environment & climate,
- Health,
- Citizen participation,
- Global themes of circular economy and (social) inclusion.
Different Project Types
Education mobility | Microprojects | Small projects 'light' | Small projects 'maxi' | |
Maximum total budget | - | €2.000 | €40.000 | €100.000 |
ERDF Funding (max. 70% of the total budget) | Voucher system maximum €700 | €1.400 | €28.000 | €70.000 |
Please visit the website of the EGTC Euregio Meuse-Rhine to apply for funding: https://euregio-mr.info/en/foerderung/small-project-fund/
Target audience
Our partners
The government of North Rhine-Westphalia
Province of Limburg
Province of Limburg (BE)
Government of the German-speaking Community of Belgium
Wallonia-Brussels Federation