01 Jun 2024 -
Development PFAS-receptors
01 Dec 2024 -
Development sensor prototype
01 Jun 2025 -
Demonstration and validation
01 Dec 2025
The PFAS-resolve partnership aims to further develop a novel portable biosensor and phytoscreening technology to measure PFAS chemicals on-site through fast and cost-effective screening.
For a long time, PFAS chemicals were the main components of fluoropolymers such as teflon and were also used in food packaging, fire-fighting foam and toilet paper. As studies from the 1940s found no harmfulness of PFAS chemicals, they were released unhindered into nature for decades and were able to accumulate in living organisms. It was not until the beginning of the 21st century that the persistence of PFAS chemicals in the environment was recognised as very problematic and studies showed the potential health risk of these “forever chemicals”.

The current standard methodology for detecting PFAS contamination is to take samples and send them to an external lab for detailed analysis, a costly and time-consuming process that does not allow for large scale routine screening.
Therefore, the partners of the PFAS-resolve project are working on a fast and low-cost alternative to identify PFAS contamination in soil and drinking water. The goal is to develop a biosensor prototype, based on synthetic receptors for PFOA, PFOS and GenX. This biosensor in combination with phytoscreening technology aims to provide the region with a valuable tool to map and remediate PFAS contamination on a large scale.
Target audience
Our partners
Universiteit Maastricht
Bio2Clean B.V.
Université de Liège
Fachhochschule Aachen
Geonius Groep B.V.
Hygiene-Institut des Ruhrgebiets
Our co-financiers
Région wallonne
Ministerie van Economische Zaken
Ministerium für Wirtschaft, Industrie, Klimaschutz und Energie des Landes Nordrhein-Westfalen