Start-up and development
01 Jul 2024 -
01 Sep 2025 -
01 Sep 2026
Quasi-continuous on-site production of vacuum pipes for the Einstein Telescope, large vacuum systems, pipelines or other large piping systems.
Traditionally, vacuum pipes are produced in factories in sections up to 18 metres long. They are then transported to the site and joined together with flanges or weld seams.
In contrast, BeamPipes4ET takes the innovative approach of producing pipes in a continuous process from rolls of sheet metal on-site. This means that pipes of hundreds of metres can be produced in one piece.
To this end, the project will build a fully automated robot for pipe production. Because production takes place on site, much less transport is needed compared to the traditional way of transporting pipes. Transporting rolls of sheet metal is more efficient than transporting pipes that still need to be joined together on site.

New welding technology
The project also develops a new technology for welding pipes. When welding, weld surfaces and their surroundings interact with each other. By laser welding under a mobile vacuum using the automated robot these interactions are greatly reduced.
Eventually, the ends of the pipes will be fitted with flanges and branches will be added for pumping and other connections. This is made possible by a technology for drawing these elements from the bare metal onto vacuum pipes.
Einstein Telescope
One of the projects applying this new production technology will be the Einstein Telescope. This is a European underground research infrastructure, laser interferometers in the form of 10 kilometres long triangle. 120 kilometres of ultra-high vacuum tubes with a diameter of one meter need to be manufactured for the Einstein Telescope.
BeamPipes4ET pipes can also be used for large vacuum systems, pipelines or other large pipework systems.
Header photo © Marco Kraan / Nikhef
Target audience
Our partners
RWTH Aachen University
Werkhuizen Hengelhoef
FEF Besser fügen
University of Antwerp
Our co-financers
Land NRW
Provincie Limburg (NL)
Provincie Limburg (BE)